13 November 2008

Download SPOT archives in shapefile

Since several weeks the SPOT archive is available for download in shapefile from our online catalog : SIRIUS Online. Several files have been created to cover the various continents : Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, Middle East, North America and South America. They can be find in the "My searches" menu or directly here : http://catalog.spotimage.fr/PageDownload.aspx

Here are the parameters that are exported in the shapefile :

A21 : A21 code
SC_NUM : Scene number
SEG_NUM : Segment number
SATEL : Satellite number (2, 4, 5)
ANG_INC : Incidence angle
ANG_ACQ : Acquisition angle
DATE_ACQ : Acquisition date (DD/MM/YYYY)
MONTH_ACQ : Month number (01,02,…)
TIME_ACQ : Time of acquisition (HH:MI:SS)
CLOUD_QUOT : Cloud quotation
CLOUD_PER : Percentage of clouds on the image
SNOW_QUOT : Snow quotation
LAT_CEN : Latitude of center
LON_CEN : Latitude of center
LAT_UP_L : Latitude of upper left corner
LON_UP_L : Longitude of upper left corner
LAT_UP_R : Latitude of upper right corner
LON_UP_R : Longitude of upper right corner
LAT_LO_L : Latitude of lower left corner
LON_LO_L : Longitude of lower left corner
LAT_LO_R : Latitude of lower right corner
LON_LO_R : Longitude of lower right corner
RESOL : Resolution of product (2.5, 5, 10, 20)
TYPE : Alphanumeric code for the type (P,X,M,I,A,B,J,THR,HMX,THX)
URL_QL : URL to access to the quicklook of the scene

The files are bundled by year since 2002 which is the launch of SPOT5. They are refreshed every month and the shape file for the current year is refreshed every week.

They can be used on any GIS software like ArcView, GlobalMapper (shareware), ArcExplorer (free) or MapWindow (free).