17 November 2009

Spot Image Labs at CartoCube

The Spot Image Labs just participated in a CartoCube organized by "La Cantine" in Paris. The main subject was mind maps and geographical maps. On Friday, I presented Spot Image and Spot Image Labs during a event called CartoPro : http://lacantine.ubicast.eu/videos/free/54/

On Saturday, we were around forty persons for the CartoCamp (a BarCamp about Cartography). We gathered in small groups of 10 people or so to discuss about various subjects : crowd sourcing, 3D, satellites images, mapping of web contributors, historical maps, etc...

Some links to useful ressources (in French) :

Le site du carto3 : http://cartocube.fr
Carto3 sur Twitter : http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23carto3
Le site de la Cantine : http://lacantine.org/
Fédération Internet Nouvelle Génération : http://fing.org/
Serialmapper : http://www.serialmapper.com/archive/2009/11/15/cartocube.html
Fabernovel (conseil en innovation) : http://www.fabernovel.com/fr
Présentation du Géoportail : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xb643d_geoportail-presentation-pour-cartoc_tech

06 January 2009

Artic and Antartica archives now available in shapefile format

Following requests from some users, we have made available two new archive coverages in shapefile format on our online catalog : Antartica and the Arctic region. As a contribution to the International Polar Year (http://www.ipy.org/), Spot Image has been collecting a lot of data over these two areas, so I hope that these two shapefiles will be of great interest for many scientists.

Access to the download page : http://sirius.spotimage.fr/PageDownload.aspx
More information on about Spot Image and the IPY : http://www.spotimage.fr/web/en/1587-international-polar-year.php