17 November 2009

Spot Image Labs at CartoCube

The Spot Image Labs just participated in a CartoCube organized by "La Cantine" in Paris. The main subject was mind maps and geographical maps. On Friday, I presented Spot Image and Spot Image Labs during a event called CartoPro : http://lacantine.ubicast.eu/videos/free/54/

On Saturday, we were around forty persons for the CartoCamp (a BarCamp about Cartography). We gathered in small groups of 10 people or so to discuss about various subjects : crowd sourcing, 3D, satellites images, mapping of web contributors, historical maps, etc...

Some links to useful ressources (in French) :

Le site du carto3 : http://cartocube.fr
Carto3 sur Twitter : http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23carto3
Le site de la Cantine : http://lacantine.org/
Fédération Internet Nouvelle Génération : http://fing.org/
Serialmapper : http://www.serialmapper.com/archive/2009/11/15/cartocube.html
Fabernovel (conseil en innovation) : http://www.fabernovel.com/fr
Présentation du Géoportail : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xb643d_geoportail-presentation-pour-cartoc_tech