15 February 2010

Starship in the Pyrennees

Last week I spent one night at the Pic du Midi Observatory. You need to take two cable cars to reach the observatory which is at 2877 m. The view from there is breathtaking. We had a lot of luck as the night was clear and chilly (-17° !) and we have seen many wonders of the sky. The Observatory is now more a  Museum and a touristic place although a dozen professionals and amateur astronoms still work there. The association called "The Star Farm" that organize event there call the place the "Star Ship".

I took this photo with my iphone :

The cool thing with ihpone is that they integrate a GPS and if you know how to do it, you can export the photo with the latitude and longitude in the EXIF parameters of the JPEG file. If you download this picture, it should locate itself here.