22 April 2011

GoogleEarth Builder announced during the Where 2.0 Conference

During Where 2.0 Conference, Dylan Lorimer (GoogleEarth Enterprise Product Manager) has announced the coming release of a new version of GoogleEarth for Enterprise : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d07FasJ-NWc&p=0B2FEB8AACD826BE. It is called GoogleEarth Builder and could be described as Google Mapping Platform in the Cloud available to enterprise users. It will be available in Q3 2011.

More presentations from the Where 2.0 conference are available online : http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=0B2FEB8AACD826BE ...why fly to Santa Clara, California, when you can view everything online from your desk ? ;-)

>>> More information about Google Earth Builder